Boys’ Choir had the amazing opportunity to join their older counterparts at Guildford County School for an afternoon (and evening) singing extravaganza. We were shipped over int he afternoon by County and our own minibus for a meet & greet where the choirs had a little practice together and performed individual songs. The very experienced County choir were am-a-zing and Mrs Gale (who is now totally our best friend and favourite County teacher) was brilliant and getting us altogether to rehearse fix you. We performed to the boys and they seemed pretty impressed!
We returned in the evening where we had a workshop led by Pirbright legend, Luca Mohamed, who is Deputy Head Boy at County. Once everyone was confident and ready to go, the performance began. County sang their song to the audience and we all got together for Coldplay’s “Fix You” with solos by Finlay and Alexander. We performed our version of George Michael’s “Freedom” including Charlie and Harley’s solos and then everyone - including all of the audience made up of mostly men - performed Queen’s “We are the Champions”. We could not have been made to feel more special by the whole of Guildford County School and were incredibly proud of the Boys’ Choir.
Please visit the Video Resource Centre under the yellow 'Children' subheading on the home page to view some of the wonderful singing in action.