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Year 3

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 page. We are really excited to share learning experiences with you and support your child on their learning journey with us. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year throughout our three main topics. These topics include Clubs & Cavemen, Exhilarating Egyptians and Engaging Environments. We have some smaller topics which we cover in Year 3 as well, including Magnetic Robots and a focus this year as a whole school on Diversity.


Throughout each term we follow a cross curricular approach which allows us to be fully immersed in our learning journey and helps us to learn the skills we need to achieve our learning challenges at the end of each unit. We can't wait to get stuck into each and every lesson!

Year 3 Long Term Planning 2024 - 2025

Super 6 in Year 3

The Super 6 skills are used across the school to support learning. They are skills of learning that equip us all for and knowledge acquisition, learning and life challenged now and in the future. Talk to your child at home about each of these skills and what they mean to you. When helping your child with their Home Learning or indeed any task around the home or further afield it would be a great opportunity to use these skills ad discuss how they help us to achieve, better ourselves and make a positive contribution. 

Exhilarating Egyptians!

The Spring Term is a wonderful term for historical learning development in Year 3. The children enjoy our topic of Ancient Egypt, and they work hard to prepare their own museum to share with parents and carers. This involves developing their subject knowledge in this topic, earning their curator badge, experiencing life as an Egyptian from ancient times, and using their creative Super 6 skill to produce artefacts to place in their museum. The children will also learn to utilise QR codes to present their learning further, as well as using PowerPoint presentations. We will conduct research to produce non-chronological texts, write stories based on a short animation about a camel and a pyramid (expect some humorous use of onomatopoeia), and will design and build our own shadufs – a structure from ancient Egypt which is still used in some areas today, to extract water from the River Nile to irrigate the crops. What an exciting topic!

For more information about our topics and the exciting things we plan to cover this year, please have a look at our long term plan and termly webs.

Each week we will upload a copy of the Home Learning document here for your reference and a paper copy also goes home each Friday. We collect the Home Learning in by the following Thursday and hold a Home Learning Celebration each Thursday afternoon, where the children will be able to share their learning with each other, ask questions, praise successes and share any other thoughts or ideas about their learning and the topic. You can send in hard copies of your home learning with your child or alternatively you can email them by Thursday morning to the class email accounts:


We love to see all the learning the children have done and celebrate in their successes. Do think creatively, if you choose, in how to present the Home Learning. You can create videos, presentations, paper pieces, 3D pieces, soundscapes, etc. We cannot wait to see them!

Helping at Home

Below you will find some helpful resources for support your child with their learning at home. These include the End of Year Expectations for Year 3, the Year 3 Writer's Wishlist, a guide created by the school to help at home and a selection of ideas, top tips and tricks from parents in Year 3 that they have found useful in engaging and supporting their children. Thank you to everyone who submitted their ideas for this document. 

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