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Promoting Emotional Development & Life Skills - PEDALS

 At Pirbright Village Primary School it is understood that for pupils to be successful academically, they need to be happy and feel safe in their environment. At times in a child’s life, there will be moments when they feel insecure, worried or concerned. There will also be times when children go through changes in circumstance, which may result in home life straying from what they know as the norm. During these times, our PEDALS Team is here to help.


Erin Hinzman, PVPS’s Home/School Partner, and her colleague, Mrs Nuttall, are here to help pupils and their families during periods of anxiety, uncertainty and/or upheaval by offering Talk Time, along with focused support, to explore  feelings and identify useful coping strategies. Erin is also available to provide parenting support by liaising with parents and exploring effective ways of managing children’s behaviour.


The PEDALS Team work out of the PEDALS Pod (pictured below) and children can be referred for help via the class teacher or a member of the leadership team.  Parents/carers can also approach Erin directly about PEDALS support. There is further information included in the leaflet below. 


PEDALS Information for Parents and Carers

  • Pirbright Village Primary is a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust
  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
  • Company limited by guarantee - registration 08303773 (England & Wales)