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Values Assemblies

As an integral part of Pirbright, The Values are so important within our school environment and we must ensure they have maximum impact on a daily basis. Values are embedded in school life and constantly revised with the children and visited in various contexts with lots of different scenarios. 


For the autumn term, a team of teachers visit the core Pirbright Values through various guises, ie behaviour, to remind children of our shared expectations and ensure we have a shared language to be successful. The spring term sees a light being shone on British Values where we are able to explore what it means to have shared values as a community and a wider society. The rule of law and the ability to contribute to and take part in society is so important for our children and such valuable time spent. 


Our summer term assemblies is an opportunity to explore diversity and this pulls together both the core Pirbright Values and the British Values we have previously explored whilst ensuring our children have the chance to challenge their thinking. 


As a school we know the importance of mental well being. Good mental health allows children to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and ensure that they grew into well-rounded healthy adults. We also want to ensure our children achieve their full potential and this is supported by both their physical and mental well being. Therefore, we have introduced the 5 Wells of Wellbeing.  Each week the children (and teachers) are encouraged to fill a different well: (SPICE), Spiritual well, Physical well, Intellectual well, Creative well and Emotional well. For example: when we were filling our Spiritual well, you could see Year 5 outside watching the clouds, Year 2 doing some meditation in the classroom and Year 1 going on a mindful walk around the school.  

  • Pirbright Village Primary is a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust
  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
  • Company limited by guarantee - registration 08303773 (England & Wales)