Teaching & Learning The Pirbright Way
At Pirbright Village Primary School we are proud of the broad, relevant, creative and
engaging curriculum we provide for all our pupils from Reception right through to Year 6. When children enter Reception, they continue their learning journey from preschool settings and are immersed in play-based learning following the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. Continuous assessment ensures the staff know the children individually and are able to provide stimulating learning opportunities for each child in order to motivate them and support them to achieve their full potential.
As children move into KS1 and KS2, they experience a rich, context-led curriculum that inspires as well as ensures that all pupils are making progress and achieving their very best. The learning is always challenging and is matched to meet the child’s needs and ability. Strong emphasis is placed upon the development of key skills. Ensuring children
can communicate, read and write is a priority along with having the confidence to use and
apply mathematical skills.
Whilst English and Mathematics are taught discretely, the content of our curriculum is taught through a topic-based approach, which integrates core and foundation subjects to provide meaningful and interesting lessons and learning experiences. We are always looking for ways to provide a context for learning and to fire children’s imaginations and creativity, encouraging them to drive their own learning experiences.
Underpinning all that we strive for is the importance of developing children who have a love of learning and the necessary skills to be successful in the next stage of their education as well as their lives. We encourage and nurture children to be able to communicate and co-operate with each other, we celebrate difference and diversity and support children so that they are equipped to make the right decisions based on our School Values which underpin everything we do in school.