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Remote Learning in Case of School Closure

Please find a document below which is the school's Remote Learning Plan for the COVID-19 pandemic as directed by the government. This plan was used during the COVID pandemic, and remains in place in case of any future school closures, to ensure that children’s learning is interrupted as little as possible.  It includes information about how we will ensure that this happens if small groups are isolating, if bubbles have to close or if we have to go into full lockdown. The plan recognises that we have to continue to work together to achieve the best outcomes for children, whilst understanding different family circumstances and the restrictions placed upon everyone involved at home and at school will be unique to each child. This plan will be the basis of our provision for any future school closures and we will adapt it as needed in response to the situation as presented. 


In the Tips & Tricks section below you will find the Home Learning Guides that we publish at the start of the year, our Writing Wishlists that we work from in class and Reading Task Grids, which you may wish to still use. There is also a section for Let’s Get Moving ideas and Added Extras, which will be populated with fun things that could be useful for children of any age. They are not set for particular year groups but could be applicable to anyone if you are in need of a different avenue to explore for learning! 

Pirbright Village Primary School - Remote Learning Plan

Learning From Home Archive

Below you will find all of the Working from Home activities set during the lockdown of March 2020 and the following phased return to school which meant some children were still learning from home. Feel free to peruse and dip into any of the resources the teachers produced at this time as a means to further support your children at home. 

Poetry Slam! To all our talented poets this competition could be just for you!

Learning From Home - Friday 8th May 2020

As it's Bank Holiday Friday, there will be no Learning From Home today. If you want to do some learning, feel free to catch up on anything you have missed, log onto Mathletics, complete a task from the Reading Task Grids or have a look through all of the other activities above. Have you read this week's First News? Have you tried one of Ms Jackson's Physical Challenges? Have you done any mindful activities or looked at the other fun stuff. Perhaps just have a sit down with a Bedtime Story and enjoy one of the adults reading to you - I highly recommend Mrs Greer's (AKA Kylie Minogue's) story - you're in for a treat! 

Learning From Home - Wednesday 29th April - Year 3 Cleopatra

Still image for this video
  • Pirbright Village Primary is a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust
  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
  • Company limited by guarantee - registration 08303773 (England & Wales)