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House Teams

At Pirbright we use a house system to encourage pupils to invest in the life of the school. This system provides opportunities for friendly competition and showcasing talents; it is a positive way of recognising and celebrating pupils' contributions and rewarding pupils for living our school values. It also enables children from across the year groups to get to know each other and work collaboratively. The children are put into one of five houses, each one being named after a constellation. Children are able to gain gold tokens throughout the week which are posted into the house token boxes in the hall and totalled on a weekly basis by the children in Year 6. Tokens are awarded for citizenship and values on display, for example children being kind to others, helping out around school or showing excellent effort in their learning.


There are whole-school house events throughout the year which aim to cater for all tastes so all children (and staff!) have the chance to contribute and feel involved. Pupils are awarded house points which are totalled up over the year and houses also earn points for winning house events. Each event has a cup awarded to the winning house and at the end of the year the house with the most team points win the House Cup. Adults are encouraged to get involved too; each member of school staff is assigned to a team which they lead during whole-school events and parents are of course welcome to earn points. The Daily Mile is open to parents as well as children and is a great opportunity for adults to earn points alongside their children – siblings are always put into the same teams so there will be no family arguments!


Our Houses are:

  • Orion
  • Pegasus
  • Phoenix
  • Aquila
  • Delphinus

House Captains 2024-2025

House Captains 2024-2025

  • Pirbright Village Primary is a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust
  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
  • Company limited by guarantee - registration 08303773 (England & Wales)