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The Library & The Writing Shed

The Library

The Guardians of the Library

We are very lucky to have a beautiful library which is very well used throughout the school day. The team of librarians ensure that the library is well used, providing reading support to those that need it during break and lunchtimes whilst keeping the space well organised. Children are able to borrow books from the library's fiction, non-fiction, picture book or poetry sections or simply enjoy a book whilst they are in there. Flexible seating allows for a calm atmosphere where children can grab a cushion and get lost in an adventure. 


The space is also used for learning with adults (and the school's Reading Champions) at various points during curriculum time. If you're lucky you might catch a glimpse of Blodyn, the school reading dog, in there - usually on a Wednesday! She loves an ear tickle so pop in and say hello! Outside the library children will find The Reading Challenge (details on this page: where they can exchange books and take on new challenges. 


Pirbright is also home to The Hobbit House AKA The Writing Shed. This is a space available to keen writers at lunchtime from Reception & Key Stage 1 and allows them a quieter area to spend some time writing in any way they would like. They can make cards, write notelets, share and write stories or carry on anything which has inspired them in class. The school's Writing Champions man The Writing Shed at lunchtimes and are trained in supporting children with their phonics and spellings as well as having the best ideas of adventures to write about. The Writing Shed can fit (snugly!) a whole class and is also used for small groups or children who need another space to feel inspired when learning. Sometimes, it is the perfect home for a class storytime; pop your head in and have a look. 

The Writing Shed

  • Pirbright Village Primary is a member of Learning Partners Academy Trust
  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
  • Company limited by guarantee - registration 08303773 (England & Wales)