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Cultural Creative Week : Africa

This week has seen the whole school take part in our African themed Creative Cultural Week. The children were grouped into their team colours and it was lovely to see the younger and older pupils in the school all working together.

Throughout the first three days of this week the children have studied The Kalahari, Kenya, Egypt, Madagascar and Nigeria and have then participated in activities linked to these countries or regions.

The children have been thoroughly engrossed in their learning whilst having plenty of fun in the process.

Some of the activities have included hieroglyphic art, model village making, dance, jewellery making, cave art, campfires and shelters, weaving, cooking, tribal masks and shields, spear making, rainforest shoeboxes and tie dying and many more. Please see the fun for yourself in the photos below.

The excitement doesn't end there as tomorrow all the children are taking part in an African drumming music session and some African 'Big Art'.

Phew, what a busy week!!

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  • Farnham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4LU.
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